Neutral Grounds Coffee House

Voto 4.9 (media su 10 pareri)

Giving a community of believers in Christ Jesus from differing churches or none at all, Neutral Grounds; to fellowship with one another over coffee, tea, & eats with live worship!

Neutral Grounds Coffee House

Neutral Grounds Coffee House is a nonprofit entity that seeks to serve the community and the body of Christ in three crucial, scriptural areas. The first is giving our community of believers from various churches as well as the unchurched, a place to fellowship with one another over coffee, tea, & eats in a pleasant, nonpartisan environment which will feature various nondenominational/ interdenominational events such as live worship nights, guest speakers, and broadcast live events and worship. The Word tells us “not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, more so, as ye see the day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25) In doing so, we learn how to be better servants and in turn, reach out to the community to better serve their needs.

Our second goal is to partner with missionaries and pastors in Central America to get our coffee beans directly from the growers. Not only will this supply us with the freshest, most well balanced coffee beans that Americans love, but it will help stimulate the local Central American economies, and benefit Christian growers that we personally know, trust, and love; who in turn are working to advance the Kingdom of Heaven.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)

Last but not least, as a nonprofit, our third goal is to raise funds through donations to partner with a faith based rehabilitation center in our own community. This center will provide a place of hope and freedom for people dealing with life-controlling issues or desperate situations; with concentration on spiritual discipleship and life disciplines reinforced by prayer, Bible study, volunteerism and work programs. Part of the volunteer work will be here at Neutral Grounds. Men and women are held accountable and encouraged to reach their full potential in a faith-filled, family-style atmosphere. “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." (1 Peter 5:10)

To see these goals reached, we have assembled a committee of believers from different area churches who seek to build God's Kingdom and who follow the will of the Father. This committee will help oversee, lead, guide and influence the coffee house so that it is truly Neutral Grounds, a place where all believers can come to gather in unity, in a place that lifts Christ's name so high that all will see!

The model of our operation is to offer all items to the public on a donation basis. Everyone who donates can feel good about their donation building the body of Christ, empowering addicted people to be set free and offering them the safe environment and means to do so, and providing aid and mission work to an impoverished part of the world. All this by simply enjoying a cup of coffee.

We truly believe that this is the beginning of the Appalachian Outpouring and it is starting in our city as finally "His people who are called according to His purposes," make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose." (Phil. 2:2)

It's time EKKLESIA. Let us forge together and do this in LOVE on Neutral Grounds.

    Coffee Shop, Internet Cafe


   (606) 420-4429

      Pagina facebook

      1537 Winchester Ave, Ashland, United States


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