Filli Cafe Maharashtra

Rating 4.9 (average of 91 opinions)

For those who enjoy having a talk over a cup of tea, we’ve got enough of tea and you might talk as long as you want.

Filli Cafe Maharashtra

The FiLLi brand is synonymous with tea and our ambition is to share the great taste and experience of FiLLi with everyone!

Three phrases is all it takes to describe FiLLi.

Tea n’ Talk: There is always time to have your tea and finish all your talk at FiLLi.

Signature Zafran Tea: Our unique blend of Tea gets credit in making what FiLLi is today.

FiLLi Experience: Whether spending time with family and friends or taking a break from work, our customers are encouraged to take full advantage of the luxurious surroundings and relaxing ambiance existing in each FiLLi store.

    Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Food & Beverage Company


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      Mumbai, India

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