Birds & Words

Pawalgarh Conservation Reserve, Ramnagar, India     Coffee Shop

We are a simple set-up that comes in the form of a 06 acre organic farm located at Pawalgarh. A pristine corner of the lush green paradise in the Kumaon region of the Himalayan foothills in the state of Uttrakhand A family stays on the property and manage the place and other everyday farm activities. Manohar Uncle, an activist from the times of Uttrakhand state movement, a philosopher and a rebel in heart. Basanti Aunty, who just spreads magic with her smile & an epitome of simplicity. She has a pair of cows and takes care of the home with her simplicity and charm. Vikki, their son and my f...

Winsome Resorts

nandpur village gabua kaladungi Haldwani higway, Ramnagar, India     Hotel Resort, Coffee Shop

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