Clwb Y Bont

Vote 3.9 (promedio de 89 opiniones)

Located in the centre of Pontypridd and serving the local community, we have live music, comedy nights and various events, English and Welsh. Real ales

Clwb â gwir ethos gydweithredol oedd Clwb y Bont o'r cychwyn cyntaf - clwb wedi'i redeg gan ei aelodau ac iddo nod a phwrpas unigryw. Yn wahanol i glybiau eraill a ffurfiwyd yng Nghymoedd y De ar y pryd - clybiau Glowyr, Cymdeithasol neu Wleidyddol, nid oedd y Clwb wedi'i gysylltu i'r un grwp penodol ac felly roedd mewn sefyllfa i gefnogi a hybu'r iaith. Ar un adeg, cynhaliwyd gwersi Cymraeg ar bob noson yr wythnos, er bod newidiadau i drefniadau cyllido yn golygu nad yw'r rhain ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Mae Clwb y Bont yn dal i gynnig cyfle gwych i siaradwyr Cymraeg ar bob lefel i ddod ac ymarfer eu Cymraeg, er, nid oes rhaid i chi siarad Cymraeg i fynd yno! Os ydych yn dysgu neu yn rhugl rydych yn debygol o ddod o hyd i rywun y gallwch sgwrsio gyda. Mae nifer o'r aelodau yn fodlon iawn i helpu dysgwyr i ymarfer.

Clwb y Bont was a true members co-operative, with a unique purpose. Unlike other clubs formed in the South Wales Valleys at the time, such as Miners, Social and Political clubs, Clwb y Bont was not affiliated to a specific group, and as such it offered a capability to support the Welsh Language that few other clubs could. At one time, Welsh Language lessons took place every week night, although changes in funding meant that these are no longer being held - at the moment. Clwb y Bont still provides a great opportunity for Welsh Speakers at all levels to come along and speak in Welsh, although, contrary to a popular misconception, you don't HAVE to speak Welsh to go there! If you are fluent or just learning however, you are likely to find someone to whom you can speak in Welsh, and many of the regulars will happily go to great lengths to patiently help out newbie Welsh learners.

    Bar, Arts & Entertainment, Community Organization


          Adecuado para grupos
          Adecuado para niños
          Mesas al aire libre
          La reserva NO es obligatoria



      85A Taff Street, Pontypridd, United Kingdom

  Estacionamiento en la calle



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