Rekreacijski centar DG-SPORT

Rating 4.4 (average of 350 opinions)

SRC DG-sport & Hotel Panorama Prelog *** Pizzeria, Restaurant, Caffe bar, Outdoor & indoor sports facilities, Spa & relax, Inland tourism.

Rekreacijski centar DG-SPORT

Recreational center DG Sport opened in 2012. The original idea was to open a small recreational center with one tennis court, but the project grew into a center that expands over 13.000 square meters and now offers high-quality contents for professional athletes and other individuals. Our sports facilities that include outdoor football (soccer) field, tennis courts, beach volleyball court, indoor sports hall for handball, badminton, volleyball and indoor soccer, as well as our health-relax section which contains saunas, solarium, hydro and sports massage, meet the best modern standards and satisfy even the most expectant guests. The recreational center DG Sport offers an excellent restaurant, cafe and bar, Internet lounge and a three-star hotel Panorama. The location of the center sorrounded by woods, orchards, the river Drava with a diverse flora and fauna guarantees a relaxing and pleasant stay.

Rekreacijski centar DG Sport otvoren 2012. Izvorna ideja bila je otvoriti mali rekreacijski centar s jednim teniskim terenom, no projekt je prerastao u centar koji se širi preko 13.000 kvadratnih metara, a sada nudi visoko kvalitetne sadržaje za profesionalne sportaše i druge pojedince. Naši sportski sadržaji koji uključuju: vanjski nogomet (nogometni teren), tenis (teniski tereni), odbojku, (tereni za odbojku na pijesku), rukomet (mala sportska dvorana za rukomet), badminton, odbojku i mali nogomet. Također imamo i relax zonu koja sadrži saune, solarij, hidro i sportske masaže. Uz sve sadržaje tu je i izvrstan restoran sa vrhunskom hranom, kafić i bar, internet salon i hotel Panorama s tri zvjezdice. Lokacija centra Dg sport u okruženju šume, voćnjaka, rijeke Drave s raznovrsnom florom i faunom jamči opuštajući i ugodan boravak.

    Gym/Physical Fitness Center, Hotel, Cafe

    + 385 40 648 090 Pizza: +385 40 648 088

      Facebook page

      Matije Gupca 102, Prelog, Croatia

  Internal parking


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