Kauri Arms Tavern1

Rating 4.7 (average of 31 opinions)

The Kauri Arms Tavern is situated at 195 Commerce St, Kaitaia.

Kauri Arms Tavern1

Kauri arms Tavern
The Kauri arms Tavern is looking forward to families, friends and visitors coming for relaxing drinks and to eat with our new management team in the Kauri Arms Kitchen.

We live in an area where it is renowned for its ocean views and wild beauty. The locals in this area are known for their hardcase veiws and lots of laughter . We look forward to getting to seeing you here.

Nau Mai, Haere Mai

    Sports Bar


          Outdoor tables

   09 4081700

      Facebook page

      195 Commerce St, Kaitaia, New Zealand

  Internal parking, Parking in the street

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